The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is an independent provincial agency funded by the Government of Ontario. Their mandate is to conduct province-wide tests at key points in every student's primary, junior and secondary education and report the results to educators, parents and the public. EQAO acts as a catalyst for increasing the success of Ontario students by measuring their achievement in reading, writing and mathematics in relation to Ontario Curriculum expectations. The resulting data provide a gauge of quality and accountability in Ontario's publicly funded education system. EQAO distributes an individual report to each student who writes the tests and posts school, school board and provincial results on its website. Learn more about Ontario's Province-Wide Tests. Achievement Scores The Kenora Catholic District School Board's EQAO results provide the board with an overview of student achievement in comparison to the provincial standard. EQAO testing allows the board to reflect on the practices and implement new strategies focused on increasing student achievement. Improvement Plans Board and school improvement plans are developed with special attention to literacy and mathematics. As the board implements the province's math strategy and builds on literacy gains, we continue professional development for our dedicated educators. The board establishes organizational goals with a focus on creating customized teaching interventions, extensive support within the junior divisions well as a new research partnership with Lakehead University Faculty of Education to enrich relationships and improve numeracy mindsets, to increase confidence and problem-solving skills.