
Talk, Read, Sing

There is a very popular question we hear from parents.

The question is, “What can I do to help my child be a successful reader?”

Did you know that the biggest predictor of all future reading and writing success is vocabulary? Research shows that the number of words children have in Grade 1 predicts how strong of a reader and writer they will be in Grade 11.

So, how do you make your kids awesome readers? TALK TO THEM! TALK TO THEM ABOUT EVERYTHING - even when they are little, and they aren’t speaking yet. Tell them about what you are doing and feel free to narrate your lives. (If you ever had a dream to be a broadcaster, this is your chance!) Whatever you are doing- think of as many ways to discuss it, as possible! Eating watermelon? Discuss the shape, the pattern on the outside, and what it might look like on the inside. Then cut it open, and talk about the taste, the smell, and everything you can see, like little black seeds. You can even think of other descriptive words to use, like teeny tiny black seeds or vibrant pink colour- as many words as you can think of to describe what you see, smell, and taste!

“Every parent has the ability to grow their child’s brain and impact their future. Where does this power come from?

THEIR WORDS (whether spoken, sung, or read)!”


For more Talk, Read, Sing resources click HERE 

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