Becoming a Trustee

Are You Interested in Becoming a Trustee?

The next Municipal Election to elect school board trustees will take place on October 26, 2026. Trustees were elected for a four-year term commencing November 14, 2022 and ending on November 15, 2026.

What do Trustees Do?

The Board of Trustees major areas of responsibility include:

  • establishing the system's mission vision and values
  • establishing a multi-year strategic plan
  • providing programs for all students
  • entrusting the day to day management of the board to its staff through the board's Director of Education
  • monitoring the implementation of provincial education policy
  • establishing a budget and monitoring its implementation

Catholic school boards need trustees who:

  • are committed to sustaining and promoting Catholic education
  • have a vision of Catholic education that is Christ-centered
  • are prepared to answer the call to serve in the ministry of trustees
  • are committed to educating students in the Roman Catholic tradition
  • are willing to work with all partners within and beyond the Catholic education community
  • are willing to devote time to prayer and reflection, to meetings, to public functions and to addressing the concerns of Catholic school voters


The Education Act specifies that to be eligible to serve as a Catholic School Board trustee, you must:

  • be a Roman Catholic
  • be a Catholic school supporter
  • be a resident within the jurisdiction of the Kenora Catholic District School Board
  • be a Canadian citizen
  • be at least 18 years of age
  • be eligible to be an elector of the school board for which the person is a candidate
  • not be disqualified from holding office by the Municipal Elections Act or any other legislation
  • not be a current Board employee

Trustee Code of Ethics

The Kenora Catholic District School Board expects, consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ, that Trustees will at all times conduct themselves with personal integrity, ethics, honesty and diligence in the performance of their duties. Trustees are expected, and in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, to support and act in the best interest of the board. The Board has established a Trustee Code of Ethics Policy: Policy #5 Trustees Code of Conduct.

Board Meeting Attendance

The Kenora Catholic District School Board meets twice per month. Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday and third Tuesday of each month. The Board meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Catholic Education Center located at 1292 Heenan Place, Kenora, Ontario. Video conferencing is available at the board office in Red Lake located at 54 Discovery Road. In Camera sessions (which trustees are required to attend) begin at 6:00 p.m. and deal with matters relating to personnel, legal or financial issues.

A trustee vacates his or her seat if he or she is absent without being authorized by resolution entered in the minutes, from three consecutive regular meetings of the Board (Education Act, s.28[1]).

In addition to Board meetings and Policy Governance Committee Meetings, Trustees are appointed to a variety of statutory and ad-hoc committees as required. Trustees may be required to attend special board meetings as deemed necessary by the Board.

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